4-6 Weeks to Moving Day 0/0
  • Book your removal company and choose carefully. We recommend an Australian Furniture Removers Association (AFRA) accredited company. Establish your budget, obtain a written quotation and establish moving transit insurance. Find A Removalist
  • Organise Contents and Household Insurance for your new home.
  • Notify Electoral Office of your new address. Also Drivers Licence and Car Registration.
  • Complete a floor plan of your new home for furniture placement and measure the spaces to ensure your furniture will fit, particularly the fridge. Will large items fit through doors?
  • Prepare an inventory of everything you own, noting any scratches or dents.
  • Make a note of any precious items that require special care to move.
  • Dispose of everything that you don't need.
  • Check any moving instructions for your washing machine with the manufacturer.
  • In the kitchen, use up all opened packets and dispose of goods past their use-by date.
  • Start to use up all food in the freezer.
  • Remember to sort through the garage, garden shed etc., under the house.
  • Gas cylinders and air bottles should be empty with valves open, dispose of all flammable liquids. (Garden chemicals, paint, paint thinners, cleaning fluids, bleach, fuel, aerosols of any kind etc.)
  • Create a folder for all your moving documents.
  • Arrange to have your mail held or redirected to your new address.
  • Arrange School, Pre-School, Day-Care transfers.
  • Redirect or cancel newspaper and other subscriptions.
  • If travelling....organise passports, tickets, visas, currency, credit cards, accommodation.
  • Return borrowed or rented items.
  • Arrange a rubbish pick-up with the local Council.
  • Confirm with lawyers/Real Estate Agents key collection time and Settlement date as this will determine your moving day.
  • Plan to carry yourself important legal documents and jewellery.
  • Pre-plan and schedule any necessary repairs required.
  • Research storage facilities if needed.
  • Obtain family and pet medical records. Also dental and school records.
  • If leasing, arrange property inspection and book cleaners.
  • Transfer and set up utilities at your new address.
  • Review home and contents/car insurance
  • Book our highly skilled and professional, friendly team of packers and unpackers to assist you when moving. Call us on 1800 668 968 Unpacking / Packing Quote
If Packing Yourself 0/0
  • Arrange carton and packing materials delivery (labels, bubble wrap, tape, markers, paper) with your Removalist or storage company.
  • Use clean white butcher's paper, not newspaper as it soils items.
  • Label every carton clearly, on the tape, as to contents and its room destination.
  • Prepare an inventory list of each carton. Mark clearly FRAGILE. Note all dents and scratches.
  • Pack lighter items in large cartons, heavier items in small cartons, heavier items on bottom.
  • Dismantle furniture that comes apart - remember to tape screws in an obvious location or label and place in an ESSENTIALS carton with TV, Foxtel, sound system remote controls, bed legs, shelf supports, keys to furniture cabinets and manufacturers instructions for reassembly of items.
  • Prepare a SURVIVAL KIT (LOAD LAST) with kettle, tea and coffee, breakfast requirements, special childrens toys, school needs, pet requirements (especially leads), bathroom necessities, telephone handset, medications, snacks, corkscrew, spare light globes, scissors, tools, toilet paper.
  • Consider taking very sentimental and personal items with you in your car. Need Some Help Packing
2-3 Weeks to Moving Day 0/0
  • Contact all relevant authorities to notify of your new address. Australian Authority List
  • Return all library books, DVD's etc.
  • Arrange for family and friends to mind children & pets on moving day.
  • Arrange transfer of bank accounts, internet, telephone, gas, electricity connections.
  • Arrange move of boat, trailer.
  • Fill prescriptions needed the week before and after the move.
  • Service your car, drain the lawnmower.
  • Arrange final readings of gas and electricity meters, remove batteries.
  • Discontinue any delivery services, newspapers, automated payment plans and local memberships. Collect dry cleaning.
  • Book a locksmith to change the keys on moving day at your new home.
  • Arrange time off work on moving day.
  • Ensure new home will be thoroughly cleaned, oven cleaned, carpet steam cleaned before your move and original home after your move. Find a cleaner in your area
  • Disassemble outdoor items, childrens' play equipment.
  • Create a “Handyman” Kit with hammer, Allen keys, screwdriver, lightbulbs, nails and wall hooks, pen knife.
1 Week to Moving Day 0/0
  • Set aside bed linens, towels to be used on the first night so beds can be made up as soon as possible on moving day.
  • Draw up your plan of each room in your new home with furniture placement for your removal supervisor.
  • Have indoor plants watered lightly and packed into plastic lined boxes.
  • Advise services, eg. babysitter, gardener, cleaner.
  • Back up computer hard disk. Prepare printer and scanner for travel.
  • Re-confirm all moving details with Removalist, Real Estate Agent, Lawyer. Confirm that your mover has all contact numbers, new address and clear detailed instructions.
  • Prepare a friendly welcoming note for the new residents with any relevant information to help the settling-in process and your contact details.
  • Arrange access and parking for the Removalist's truck.
The Day Before the Move 0/0
  • Defrost and empty out your refrigerator. Have a portable Esky and ice to transport contents. Clean the oven. Have vacuum on hand for last minute cleaning.
  • Pack personal luggage / items to take with you.
  • If using professional packers remember to leave out essential items for that evening and the following day.
  • Unplug and tie up appliance cords.
  • Cash on hand for last minute expenses and necessary finances for moving organised.
  • If your house will be empty for a while inform police and neighbours.
  • Say good - bye to your old neighbours.
  • Prepare an action plan for moving day.
Moving Day 0/0
  • Have "ESSENTIALS" and "SURVIVAL" cartons on hand.
  • Provide Removalist with floor plans and new address parking information.
  • Ask Removalist to load kitchen boxes last so they are first off the truck.
  • Try to keep visitors to your new home to a minimum. Have all pet needs at hand.
  • Ensure all meters read, car and house key collection organised.
  • Check off all items as they go into the moving van.
  • Lock all doors and windows, turn off hot water system if required.
  • Check the tops of cupboards, garden area, sheds, garage.
  • Return all keys to the Real Estate Agent or new tenant. Lock house, turn off power, tighten all taps, check gas and electrical.
  • Remove electric/remote garage opener from your car.
Your New Home 0/0
  • Try to stand at the Removalist's entry point and give clear directions as to furniture placement.
  • If leasing, document condition of property and furnishings with the appropriate agent.
  • Check all utilities are connected, hot water service on.
  • At completion of unloading, check all is to your satisfaction.
  • Have security checked and locks changed if concerned.
  • If move is from storage, interstate or overseas, check and sign the Inventory.
  • Assemble beds and make up as soon as possible.
  • Settle children and pets with familiar items for reassurance.
  • Notify moving company immediately if anything is missing.
  • Keep cats inside for a few days.
  • Check that you have all keys and relevant instructions to your new residence.
  • Contact your new local council for garbage collection information and new residents' folders.
  • Smile and say hello to your new neighbours!